Arrests for driving under the influence (DUI) in Los Angeles don't merely affect drunk or rash drivers. Anyone can experience them on any given night. Unfortunately, many motorists are unaware they have had too much alcohol until the police pull them over.

Whatever the circumstances that lead to your California DUI arrest, you need one of our prescreened Los Angeles DUI Lawyers at your side to protect your interests. Even when they don't necessarily deserve it, the law can be harsh on drunk drivers.

california DUI lawyers

Possible Penalties Of Driving Under The Influence In California

So, what happens after a DUI arrest in Los Angeles? Here are a few crucial FAQs:

Will I Lose My Driver's License In California?

The penalties for driving while intoxicated in California have been enhanced by lawmakers to improve road safety in the state. The "admin per se" regulations that the police currently follow give them the authority to take anyone suspected of DUI's driver's license.

Regardless of whether the DUI accusation is true, the person cannot drive legally until the suspension period has passed. Therefore, the new suspension regulation is enforced in addition to high costs, community service, DUI school, and perhaps even jail time.

That said, if you think you've been wrongly accused or unfairly judged, consult with a Los Angeles criminal defense attorney to help get you to the best possible outcome of a DUI in California.

What Are The Possible Fees In A Los Angeles DUI Arrest?

California has among the worst financial penalties for DUI in the US. Here are some of the possible Los Angeles DUI penalties you might have to pay:

  • You may be required to pay fines depending on the specifics of your DUI conviction.
  • A guilty individual will be required to pay for things like:
    • Insurance
    • Court fees
    • State fines
    • Required substance intervention programs
    • Ignition interlock devices

These penalties need to be paid out-of-pocket, which could add up to expensive amounts. Not to mention, an individual may become bankrupt or incur years of debt due to a DUI in California.

If you're confused about the process or need someone to guide you through it, consult a prescreened Los Angeles criminal defense lawyer.

los angeles DUI lawyers

Is There Going To Be Jail Time For Los Angeles DUI Arrests?

The best criminal defense attorney in Los Angeles may be able to reduce the charges against you to minimize the punishments or persuade the court to dismiss the accusation.

The regulations governing driving while intoxicated in the state of California can be highly complicated. DUIs are classified as "priorable" offenses, which means that the severity of the punishment depends on how many violations you have in ten years. Most DUIs are considered misdemeanors, but in some cases, they may qualify as crimes.

The fundamental rules are as follows:

1st DUI Offense

Possible penalties include a driver's license suspension, up to $1000 in fines, 3-5 years on probation, and 6 months in jail.

2nd DUI Offense

Jail time of up to one year, fines of up to $1,000, up to 30 months of DUI school, and a two-year license suspension are all possible penalties.

3rd DUI Offense

At least 120 days in jail, fines of up to $1,000, a 30-month program that must be completed, a three-year license suspension, and being labeled as a "habitual traffic offender" by the DMV are all possible penalties.

los angeles DUI arrest

Hire An Affordable Criminal Defense Attorney In Los Angeles

To ensure that your legal rights are not being abused, get in touch with a California DUI lawyer from our firm immediately. Graham Donath will see to it that your matter is settled favorably.

Find the best criminal defense attorney in Los Angeles1000Attorneys can refer you to a prescreened Los Angeles criminal defense lawyer that can best handle your unique claim. Contact us through our 24/7 live chat (or complete our case details submission form) for a free initial consultation.